STATEWIDE — Florida’s Chief Information Officer James Grant said misconfigured computer servers are to blame for the crash of the Florida Voter Registration website on Monday, prompting Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel Lee to extend the registration deadline to Tuesday night.

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Grant told The Associated Press in an interview that the voter registration system worked as expected during that extra time after technicians reconfigured existing servers to expand the network’s capacity and give the system a “whole lot more horsepower.”

U.S. District Chief Judge Mark Walker in Tallahassee said he will consider reopening voter registration after a hearing on Thursday.

This comes after multiple voting and minority rights groups in Florida have filed federal lawsuits, asking the state to extend voter registration for at least two more days.

These groups feel voters's rights were violated because they did not have the same access as those who registered earlier.

Some 40,000 people were able to register after the extension, but these groups feel thousands more still want to register and were unable.

Investigators have not found any evidence of illegal activity and said that the state's website failed even with additional servers, and could not handle the more than 1 million attempts to register in the hours leading up to the initial deadline.

The state is arguing since voting has already started, extending the registration deadline could cause confusion and interfere with processing vote-by-mail ballots at elections offices.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.