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After you’re fully vaccinated, can you stop wearing your mask? Can the vaccine have an impact on a woman's fertility?

You've read alarming rumors on the internet, but what can you believe?

Dr. Faisal Fakih is a Winter Park, Florida, pulmonologist with almost 50 years of experience in the medical field. He joins award-winning Spectrum News 13's morning anchor Ybeth Bruzual and political reporter Greg Angel to separate fact from fiction when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines in this week's special Vaccine Education Week edition of the Beyond the Soundbite podcast.

Escucha aquí un podcast especial en español en el que la presentadora de Spectrum News, Ybeth Bruzual conversa con el Dr. Faisal Fakih, un neumólogo con décadas de experiencia. El doctor Fakih habla sobre los mitos de la vacuna COVID y sobre lo que los inmigrantes indocumentados deben saber sobre el proceso de vacunación.


Dr. Faisal Fakih’s Twitter: @OrlandoLungDoc