An iconic Orlando rail landmark has received a special recognition.

  • Orlando Amtrak station in SoDo District dates to 1920s
  • Mayor, city leaders new unveiled historical marker at station

City leaders unveiled a State of Florida historical marker at the Orlando Amtrak station during a ceremony Thursday morning.

Last year, the train station, which dates from the 1920s, was renovated and improved with a SunRail stop serving Orlando Health and the SoDo District.

District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan said it's the small architectural details from 1926 that made the station worth saving.

“Look at the building inside and how the benches are just so beautiful and handcrafted. We don’t do things like that anymore, so I think it’s so important to keep these special places intact so that future generations can see them,” Sheehan said.

Historically known as the Atlantic Coastline Railroad Station, the Orlando Amtrak station serves more than 160,000 passengers a year.