WORCESTER, Mass — Gas prices are up 19 cents per gallon this week in Massachusetts, according to AAA Northeast.

AAA Northeast said the average price for a gallon of regular gas in Massachusetts is now $3.56.

The switch to summer-blend fuel last week led to northeast gas prices surging.

The difference in summer-grade and winter-grade fuel involves the fuel's vapor pressure, which is a measure of how easily the fuel evaporates at a given temperature.

Mark Schieldrop from AAA Northeast said he does not expect to see another big jump in gas prices soon.

"We're kind of in a lull right now as far as demand goes between spring breaks and the summer driving season," Schieldrop said. "So, we don't expect any real surge in demand, and oil production has been good. We've been seeing oil inventories actually building and gasoline inventories building over the last few weeks. So, from a supply and demand perspective, which is really a key driver of gas prices in our region, things are looking pretty stable."

Monday's average gas prices are 27 cents higher than a month ago and 8 cents higher than a year ago, according to AAA Northeast.

Schieldrop recommended shopping around to find the best gas prices.

He also said driving habits can also influence fuel economy, and suggested following the speed limit and not hitting the brakes too hard.