ORLANDO, Fla. — Inspired at an early age a nominated A+ Teacher never forgot the important lessons her first grade teacher shared with her. It made an impact on Terion Williams. As Williams grew up her mother encouraged her to follow in her favorite teacher's footsteps.

Terion Williams loves her job as a third grade teacher at Lake Weston Elementary school.

What You Need To Know

  • Terion Williams is a third grade teacher at Lake Weston Elementary School in Orlando

  • Her first grade teacher and her mother inspired her to become a teacher

  • Click here to nominate a teacher

She sets the bar high for her students. She says, "I can step back and watch them. They know okay well this is the expectation and just seeing them grow is absolutely amazing. I love it every moment of it."

Williams says that years ago it was her first grade teacher Ms. DeRosier who inspired her to teach. She recently reunited with her and says she shared with her that she enjoyed learning so much in DeRosier's class that she saved a lot of her school work.

Williams adds, "It's very difficult to describe how good it feels to just be that little kid's favorite person to see first thing in the morning and as they're leaving they want to speak to you -- they want to say goodbye."

Her mother is an educator too and at one point she was a a dean at the school that her Williams works at now. She adds, "She loved every minute of it because I'm her only child. So being able to be near me - to be able to watch me? She was ecstatic and is still ecstatic and because it was her idea she likes to be involved - 'yeah I told you this was your thing."

Williams teaches all subjects at the school and hopes to have an impact on her students the same way her first grade teacher Ms. DeRosier had on her. She adds, ​"It isn't just about being a good student for me - it's about being teachable and that's something you have to take with you for the rest of your life."