ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Speed bumps are not enough to slow down drivers in a Dr. Phillips neighborhood.

What You Need To Know

  • Drivers speed on Pine Springs Drive, despite speed bumps

  • Erick Bright says the speed humps need to be higher and the street needs more signs

  • Orange County will measure the speed humps and evaluate the street signage

Erick Bright says drivers use Pine Springs Drive as a cut-through between Turkey Lake Road and Dr. Phillips Boulevard.

Bright really notices the speeding problem when he goes for bike rides with his two boys.

“It's one thing as an adult, but when you're riding with your children, it kind of strikes you differently,” he said.

Bright says even the speed bumps on Pine Springs Drive don’t slow down drivers.

“It doesn't really protrude out of the ground very much. You think a speed bump would,” Bright said.

Bright said he would like the speed bumps to be higher, along with better signage to remind drivers to slow down.

“There have been accidents involving mailboxes with speeding cars,” he said.

Orange County Public Works told Spectrum News 13 the maximum height allowed for a speed bump is 3 inches.

Officials will measure the speed bumps on Pine Springs Drive and also evaluate the street to determine if it needs extra speed limit signs.

Bright said he hopes the county makes some changes.

“(I) just want to make it as pleasant of an area as possible for people to be outdoors and enjoy this Florida weather we have all year long,” he said.

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