ORLANDO, Fla. — It's the unthinkable nightmare. An entire city wiped out by a volcano. For a limited time, Central Floridians can stand inches away from authentic artifacts taken from Pompeii.

  1. "Pompeii: The Immortal City" is a traveling exhibit now at the Orlando Science Center. Orlando is last of only three cities in the United States on its tour.
  2. So here's what happened. Back in 62 AD (yep, like almost BC), an earthquake almost destroyed the ancient Roman city. Pompeii residents rebuilt for years, but a volcano erupted in 79 AD, wiping out the whole place and its people within 24 hours.
  3. The site was lost for centuries and remained almost entirely untouched until 1748. Today, the most advanced scientific research brings to light the remarkable achievements of the Roman world. Jewelry, loaves of bread, tools, glassware — you name it — are on display now. 
  4. The Orlando Science Center administers timed entry to limit its capacity and offers people ample time, and distance, to examine the displays. 
  5. "Pompeii: The Immortal City" is at the Orlando Science Center through January 24, 2021.