PINE HILLS, Fla.— Perfection takes constant repetition until you get it right. 

The Pine Hill Trojans know that all too well.

“It took a lot of practice and hard work,” said Jordynn Mitchell, a Pine Hill Trojan cheerleader.

“A lot of hard work and practices,” said Coco Fleming, a Pine Hill Trojan cheerleader.

Last season that determination paid off.

“This season I had three teams. I had my junior peewee team, my peewee team, and my junior varsity team and we got first place at nationals for cheer and dance for all teams,” said Ciara Harrington, Pine Hill Trojans Cheer Coordinator and Junior Varsity head coach. 

“I couldn’t believe we won,” said Mitchell.

“I was really happy,” said Fleming.

For the Trojans, it’s about more than big trophies and championship banners. 

“It means a lot because they’ve grown to become my family through all of this,” said Fleming. 

“We all have a bond together. Even though we are just a team and we aren’t blood we still bond together,” said Mitchell.

Coming together and shining a bright light on their community but it’s the light that has led this program the past 16 years that is helping make the biggest impact.

“She is like a second mom because she brought me out of my shell. I was really shy at first but now I can really do anything,” said Mitchell on Coach Ciara.

Coach Ciara is sacrificing her time to make sure the next generation as the right tools for success. 

“To be able to help that foundation of building up their confidence and encouraging them to do bigger things and do things they never thought they could do,” said Coach Ciara.

She leads by example and helps these girls reach new heights. 

“I just always hope I can be that role model for them. To give them something to look forward to. Some of them might not have the best upbringing at home so the only positive thing they have in their life at the time may be sports, may be coming to practice. The only time they may eat food is when they come there,” said Coach Ciara.

Cheering while changing the narrative surrounding Pine Hills

“I love the fact that we can be something positive coming out of pine hills that will show any and everybody that hey just because these girls are from Pine Hills or live in Pine Hills they are going to be somebody one day,” said Coach Ciara.

Coach Ciara is shaping strong girls and giving them everlasting memories. 

“This is something ill never forget because it was a big impact on my life. It opened my eyes and it was a great experience,” said Mitchell.​