LEON COUNTY, Fla. -- Three more amendments have been removed from November's election ballot.

The ruling was issued Friday in the Circuit Court of the 2nd Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County.

The amendments removed were 7, 9 and 11. Here is a brief description of each:

7: This amendment would actually pull together three proposals. It would provide college tuition for survivors of first responders and military members killed while serving. It would establish state colleges (or community colleges) in the Florida constitution. Finally, it would establish guidelines for raising college fees not including tuition.

9: This would prohibit offshore oil and gas drilling, with a separate measure to prohibit vaping in enclosed workplaces.

11: This would remove language in the state constitution, including a provision that "stops aliens ineligible for citizenship" from owning property. It would also delete a provision that an amendment of a criminal statute will not affect prosecution or penalties for a crime committed before the amendment.

Last month, a Florida judge tossed Amendment 8 from the ballot, agreeing that language regarding charter schools was misleading. The League of Women Voters had sued to get it removed. Previously, Amendment 13 was removed, which would have ended greyhound racing in Florida. The state has appealed that ruling.

The general election is Nov. 6.