ORLANDO, Fla. – History was made at the nation’s capital on Monday.

What You Need To Know

  • FAMU Law Students watch confirmation hearings Monday

  • Former FAMU Law School Dean explains why a former public defender is needed on the Supreme Court

  • Even with a 50-50 split in the senate Brown would still be confirmed 

President Joe Biden nominating Kentaji Brown Jackson to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

Jackson is the first black woman to be nominated to serve on the Supreme Court.

Second year law student Derrick Gaiter studies constitutional law at Florida A&M University.

Presentations for Monday’s 1st Amendment class were delayed to watch Supreme Court nominee Judge Kentaji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I think this is a wonderful time to affirm our values for justice and equality for all,” Second year FAMU Law student Derrick Gaiter said after an afternoon class. “I think this is a wonderful testament for young students, young children, that you can be anything you want to be as long as you put your mind to it.”

Current FAMU Law Professor LeRoy Pernell says this nomination is not just a historic moment for the country, but one that millions will watch closely.

“It's a door opener,” Pernell who teaches constitutional and criminal procedure, states, “I think that history will record this as a door opener, but equally important, one of the things I am watching carefully is, 'how is she treated?'”

Gaiter, who is a member of the American Constitutional Society, admits seeing a Black woman serve on the supreme court is something he did not think would happen during his lifetime.

“I think the element of surprise is that even if you do not think it, you knew it could exist in theory,” Gaiter begins to explain. “But to actually living and breathing in this moment, I think is phenomenal.”

Not only could Jackson be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, but she can also be the first former public defender as well. A crucial intangible the Supreme Court, according to Pernell has never had.

“She brings a very important dynamic of practicality,” Pernell says. “In terms of her view of the law and the impact of the court's decision.”

Over the next two days, law-makers will question Jackson.

“It’s important for me to stay close to it because this is a reality,” Gaiter says  excitedly. “To be completely honest, this could be myself or my classmates one day.”

Should all 50 Senate Democrats support her nomination, and even if all 50 Senate Republicans oppose, Jackson will still be confirmed as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

The country now waits to see how much more history can be made this week.