BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. — For a Brevard County woman, it is in her nature to help. And these days, she is helping homeless women get back on their feet — by sitting at a computer.

  • Kelly Davis is helping homeless women get certified in computer programs
  • Discover more Everyday Heroes here

Kelly Davis may just be 20 years old, but she has been community-minded from an early age.

"I'm pretty much a giver," Davis said. "I try to figure out a way to make an impact in the community."

On her seventh birthday, instead of asking for presents, she asked for diapers. Davis wanted to donate them to others in need.

That drive to give continues to this day.

"This is the perfect opportunity," she says. "I have this knowledge — I really wanted to share it with others."

Davis recently became a Microsoft Word and Excel expert. She was chomping at the bit to teach people. She began teaching free classes to homeless women at the Brevard Rescue Mission.

"Am I able to start this process here?" she asked organizers there. "And they said, 'Yes, let's get this going!' It's called Victory in Vision."

On Saturdays, laptop in hand, she is working to get six people certified in the software. Some hope to bolster their resume and get jobs. Others are keeping it in the family.

"One lady came by and said, 'Look, I made a chore chart for my children,'" she recalls excitedly.

Her work may be techy, but it is also personal.

"Even though this is a technology resource class, I've really been able to get to know these women and their children," she said.