There was a highly-anticipated development Friday in the race for the White House: the FBI released a detailed report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

The report includes the notes from the bureau's three-hour interview with the former secretary of state. Our Washington, D.C. bureau reporter Geoff Bennett has the details.

According to the FBI documents, Hillary Clinton told investigators that she believed "everyone at State'' knew she had a private email address.

If a State Department official needed to send her an e-mail containing classified material, according to the FBI notes, "Clinton relied on the judgment of the people that worked for her to handle the information appropriately."

Clinton also told investigators she could not recall "any training'' that she received on how to handle classified documents.

According to the FBI documents, "Clinton stated she did not know what the '(C)' meant at the beginning of the paragraphs" -- "(C)" meaning confidential.

The FBI documents, released on a Friday before a long holiday weekend, note that Clinton used up to 13 different devices to access her email but say there is no evidence that Clinton's server was hacked.

After the bureau closed its investigation in July, FBI director James Comey announced that he did not recommend criminally charging Clinton.

"I see evidence of great carelessness, but I do not see evidence that is sufficient to establish that Secretary Clinton or those with whom she was corresponding both talked about classified information on email and knew when they did it they were doing something that was against the law," Comey told a congressional panel on July 7.

Friday's release is an unclassified version of what the FBI provided Republican congressional leaders just weeks ago.

Clinton aides said they wanted the FBI to make public all of what it gave Congress, fearing that GOP lawmakers might leak potentially embarrassing excerpts.

Clinton presidential campaign officials say they welcome the release in the name of transparency.

"This is really in stark contrast to Donald Trump," Kristina Schake, the Clinton campaign's deputy communications director, said on CNN.

"Hillary asked all these e-mails be made public, she's released her taxes since 1977," Schake continued. "We don't even have the basics of transparency from Donald Trump."

Much of the FBI report is consistent with what Clinton and Justice Department officials have said publicly.

But the release could fuel a new set of questions about Clinton's ethics and transparency, while adding yet another chapter in the Clinton e-mail saga.