Florida State Attorney Aramis Ayala talks to News 13 about bail reform and her recommendation to no longer ask judges to set bail for people charged with minor crimes. She is recommending non-monetary release for people who don't present a threat of violence or flight risk starting June 1. 

The qualifying misdemeanors include possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana or drug paraphernalia; driving with a suspended license; driving without a valid license or vehicle registration; panhandling; loitering; and disorderly intoxication and conduct.

"Jail is appropriate for people who are being charged with violent crimes or they pose a significant danger or flight risk, but I'm talking about the low-level individuals who aren't able to post their bond, and that's the reason that they're being held in custody," she said. "These folks that are being held really many times can suffer. They can lose their jobs. If they're in school, they can fall behind, they can lose apartments."