ORLANDO, Fla. — A maker of animatronics is giving us exclusive access to unveil his latest and most advanced version of a popular character.

1. The Rock-afire Explosion cult followers know Dook the drummer. Rock-afire featured the musically-diverse band at Showbiz Pizza Place locations in the 1980s.

2. Creator Aaron Fechter has been synchronizing music and data for 40 years. But he's now trying to give Dook a rebirth “with very masterful mechanical engineering.”

3. We toured Fechter's warehouse (a full-blown attraction) in downtown Orlando. He showed us his newest, most advanced version of Dook that he's hoping to master soon.

“So this is a good time to actually focus on this,” he said about working on Dook 2.0 during the quarantine.

The original Dook is somewhat limited, relatively. “So he could play the snare from the elbow. How many drummers really do that?

His new prototype can bend at the wrist and shoulder and elbow. “It may take me a month to get the perfect drumroll. Once I create it, I'm hoping I can save it as a subroutine.”

4. So as Dook gets some tucks, tweaks and full body mechanical upgrades, Fechter has encouraging words for his fans: “If you follow me trying to produce a drummer out of this guy, then maybe you'll have confidence on your own projects and realize that setbacks are inevitable.”

5. Fechter's place of work is located in downtown Orlando. His public tours are on hold due to the pandemic, but he does have plans to reopen.