Brevard Public Schools is bracing for the possibility of having to close more schools and cut staff.

The district has come out with a list of potential cuts, based on changes to state funding for the upcoming school year.

Teaching positions and programs, like after school Lego and robotics funding and 70 media assistant positions, are all on the list of possible cuts.

One of the proposed cuts for next school year would eliminate 55 elementary art teacher jobs.

The district cut millions from their budget last year, and they are preparing the public for similar cuts, if state funding gets reduced.

To cover the difference, the district is asking for a half cent sales tax increase on the November ballot. If that fails, 4 schools could also be closed.

"It makes me worry, but at the end of the day I know the county is going to hopefully make the right choices to help support us teachers so that the students are not affected by this," said Art Teacher Ashley Heribacka.

A group of more than 50 people, made up of community leaders, educators, parents and others have formed Brevard Save Our Students, raising money to campaign in support of the half cent sales tax.

The district is hosting a series of public forums to get feedback to the list of proposed cuts. The forums are being held on Feb. 27 at Astronaut High School in Titusville and March 17 at Satellite High School in Satellite Beach.