When it comes to fact-checking, the Internet is a treasure trove of potential items.  Articles written on blogs can go viral at any minute and become the most viewed pages in the world. 

In some cases, those viral posts may contain claims that may not be entirely accurate, and readers often are left wondering if things they read are, in fact, accurate.

Recently, a blog post at Conservative Frontline garnered a lot of attention on the Internet with the claim that President Obama is starting a new program for schools.  The blog post said this:

"School children can earn higher grades by studying Islam under a new nationwide Muslim outreach program announced by President Barack Obama."

The staff at PolitiFact has been known to sift through viral internet posts to see what's true in the articles. Editor Angie Holan says that this particular post gets the lowest rating: PANTS ON FIRE.

"When we looked into this statement, the first thing we did was to track down the original source of the claim," Holan said.  "Some of the text in this blog post actually originated on a website called The National Report, which is a satirical news website, and that's a big red flag for us."

Holan said PolitiFact contacted the White House to see if the claim lined up with the official schedule. 

"The White House said that no such press conference had ever happened," Holan said.  "Also, the phone number listed in the original National Report article for the National Muslim Appreciation Hotline is actually the phone number for the Westboro Baptist Church. 

"When the article was picked up by the Conservative Frontline blog, readers were directed to contact the Nationwide Muslim Youth Outreach hotline, and the phone number got changed to the number for the Republican National Committee."

Holan said that the article had been modified and rewritten when it was published by the Conservative Frontline blog.  In that rewritten article, a quote was attributed to a teacher in Louisiana who was in support of the program. 

"Not surprisingly, when we checked with the school district that was mentioned, they did not have a teacher on staff by that name," Holan said.

Holan said that this claim was relatively easy to debunk, and that none of the claims were rooted in fact.  Because of that, PolitiFact rated the claims made in the post as PANTS ON FIRE.