In the wake of violent attacks at schools, many school administrators are turning to training designed to give teachers ways to defend themselves, and their students, in the event of an attack.

“We have to have some training so that when people face this threat - what are they going to do?” said Mike Friedman, master trainer of Defensive Tactics Solutions in Seminole County.

Friedman said more and more school administrators are seeking out his training so they can be ready for what may happen in the classroom.

“We have to come up to date with current day security issues. The policies, the training, procedures and best practices have to reflect what’s going on in today’s world,” said Friedman.

Friedman showed News 13 some of the instruction he gives teachers in his training classes.

“I want to put as much distance as possible between the bad guy and myself,” said Friedman.

But Friedman said it’s not just about physical defense and weapons. He said it’s just as important to know how to react mentally to a situation to ultimately keep students safe.

“They’re in a much, much better position to prepare themselves, to protect themselves and save the lives of their other staff and students,” said Friedman.

Friedman said he’s trained teachers at several private schools in Seminole County, and public school administrators have expressed interest in the training for their teachers.