A group of Clearwater residents gathered at Edgewater Drive Park Saturday to protest Amendment 2.

  • Amendment 2 would legalize medical marijuana
  • On Saturday, protesters in Pinellas County spoke out against it
  • Amendment 2 has been on the ballot since 2014, when it was just shy of passing

"It’s so, so open and big,” said Lynn Posyton, who helped organize the event. “It’s like a steamroller and it’s not the way we should do it in Florida so we say no."

The Amendment would legalize medical marijuana for individuals with specific debilitating diseases as determined by a licensed physician.

Supporters say it’s about compassion, but Posyton said it could equate to putting a pot shop on every corner.

"I look around and go, 'wow, envision 2,000 pot shops,'” Posyton said. “That’s more than Starbucks, McDonald's and 7-Eleven combined."

Alexis Morley came out to protest with her two children.

"Just thinking of these guys, growing up and the future years from now and having [pot shops] across from our playground or next to your house or wherever they may be,” Morley said.

The group said their main goal is education.

"We thought let’s raise awareness, let’s make some signs with a couple of points and hopefully people will research and actually read what Amendment 2 is,” Posyton said.

The Amendment was on the ballot in 2014 and fell just shy of passing.