A cat that was recently relinquished to a Sarasota animal rescue tipped the scales at 35 pounds.

The tabby cat named Tiger was wheeled into the Cat Depot and turned over by its owner, who had to move into an assisted living facility.

“We think she loved him a lot. We’re not sure, there was, I think, a lot of snacks and perhaps some people food,” said Lynn Rasys, Cat Depot.

The veterinary staff performed a medical exam and put Tiger on a scale, which is when they discovered how much the cat weighed. They immediately put him on a carefully monitored diet program with the goal of losing one pound per month.

Rescue staff said that while Tiger has no health issues, the cat does have difficulty walking due to his size and can only take a few steps at a time.

“Remarkably he seems to be healthy. He is not diabetic. So that’s truly amazing,” said Rasys.

The rescue's executive director, Shelley Thayer, said that while Tiger may be close to breaking a world record for the heaviest cat, his situation is "no laughing matter."

"Health risks of obesity are real," she said. "It contributes to medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, heart and lung disease and high blood pressure."

The average house cat weighs anywhere between 8 to 10 pounds. Tiger is more than three times the average weight.

Cat owners who worry their cat may be overweight are encouraged to talk to their veterinarian and get a full checkup. They are also encouraged to help the cat get some exercise by playing with the cat for at least 20 minutes each day.

Tiger is available for adoption and ready for visitors in his special suite at the Cat Depot, which is located at 2542 17th St. in Sarasota.

“Actually people love that chubby look. So, I’m thinking Tiger is going to be pretty popular,” said Rasys.

For more information, visit catdepot.org or call 941-366-2404.